A Murder at the End of the World episode 6: Biggest twist ahead?

A Murder at the End of the World season 1
Photo: FX

As you get prepared to see A Murder at the End of the World episode 6 on Hulu this week, let’s go ahead and talk twists. Is this show in need of its biggest one yet?

Well, let’s just start things off here by saying the following: There are only seven episodes this season and by virtue of that, it does feel like there need to be some big moves that are made in this story. Otherwise, is there going to be enough time to explain what’s really going on in the finale?

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Entering episode 6, there has already been one major twist unveiled: The retreat is hardly a vacation spot. Rather, it is the basic construct for a silo-like project that could save the world in the event of some sort of environmental disaster.

Now, it feels like it is high time to learn something more about the murders themselves. While we don’t necessarily need to know who the killer is within this episode, there are still some other valuable pieces of information that could be revealed. Take, for example, what a possible motive could be. It feels clear that Bill discovered something that he shouldn’t have, and then Rohan was killed to cover it up. Our sentiment is that Sian may have been killed by accident, with Darby being the intended target. Is someone trying to exploit Andy’s vision? Is Lee covering something up?

One other big question right now is simply what’s happening with that passport and alternate identity that Lee has in her possession. There is clearly something more going on with her than beyond what we know.

Related Be sure to get some more news on A Murder at the End of the World right now, including the top suspects

What do you most want to see moving into A Murder at the End of the World episode 6?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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