Saturday Night Live: Jason Momoa’s Roman Empire song

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

We knew that at some point Saturday Night Live was going to do a sketch all about the Roman Empire. How could they not? This has been a meme for months now, and we just wondered how exactly they were going to do something.

Well, the Jason Momoa episode was clearly the perfect opportunity to do this since he looks like he could be some sort of Roman war hero in his own right. We’re not sure that there was any one moment that stands out in here above all the others, but the melody was surprisingly catchy and there were a lot of different cast members who took part. Also, for the second straight week Chloe Troast got a big spotlight for her singing voice as much as anything.

What also made this song worthwhile is due to a couple of surprise things. While men apparently think constantly about the Roman Empire, apparently kids think about dinosaurs and women think about astrology. Is all of this a broad generalization? Sure, but like we said, the whole goal here was to generate laughs and with that, we do tend to think it is mission accomplished.

Also, who knew that we needed Jason Momoa singing in such a way? This is a reminder that he is game for anything. Remember that within the span of just a few sketches we saw him playing some sort of slapstick stop-motion comedian and also a bouncer who did not have any manners at all. This entire routine was ridiculous, but hey — isn’t ridiculous what this show does best the vast majority of the time?

(Speaking of ridiculous, we spent a good chunk of this episode wondering if we were going to get a reprisal of the “Day of the Dorks” sketch we got during Jason’s first appearance.)

Related Check out some more thoughts on this week’s Saturday Night Live cold open right now

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