Quantum Leap season 2 spoilers: Show EP on filming in Egypt

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

If it wasn’t apparent already, Quantum Leap season 2 is more ambitious than anything that we’ve had a chance to see before. After all, we’re getting a chance to see the cast and crew visiting Egypt!

With a lot of shows like this, what we end up seeing as a foreign country is either a location made to look like another place; or, the cast and crew acting in front of a green screen. One of the big, obvious issues that comes with filming internationally is the heavy price tag that can come along with it.

Now that we’ve said all of this, it feels like the producers found a way to make things work with Quantum Leap, as you are actually seeing an episode filmed in Egypt! Speaking to MovieWeb on this subject further, here is what executive producer Martin Gero had to say:

“We figured out a way to do it that is affordable. To be able to have Ben at the foot of the actual Sphinx, closer than you can get to it if you were just a regular tourist. To be among the pyramids of Giza, to have a chase through this incredible mosque, I mean… it’s just an incredible episode. It has incredible scope, and so, for us, the fun of the show is the leaps, is being transported into different eras and different locations. We just wanted to broaden the scope of what that can be, you know, and Egypt was one of the solutions.”

Ultimately, we appreciate the effort here, and we say this without even knowing that much about the story right now! We just tend to think that this had to be a really cool experience for everyone in the cast and crew to work in another part of the world.

Remember that after a week off the air, there is another episode airing on Wednesday night. Brace yourselves accordingly!

Related Go ahead and get some more news entering the next Quantum Leap episode now!

What do you most want to see through Quantum Leap season 2 when they visit Egypt?

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