Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won final four Veto?
The final four Veto competition ended early today in the Big Brother 25 house and by virtue of that, we now have a better sense of what the future will be.
Is this news that everyone is going to love? Well, not so much — but we’ll get more into that here shortly.
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First things first, we should note that there is a record that has now been broken — Jag won his seventh Power of Veto, and now has won this more than any person in history. We know that a lot of people will say this is only because this cast is less physical and he won a lot of physical competitions, but he also was partially responsible for taking out some physical threats. We’ll give him credit for the record, with the one caveat that this was a much longer season.
Now, here is where things get interesting — at the moment, Jag can choose to evict either Matt or Felicia and if he wants the best chance of winning, he will take out Matt. Doing this ensures that he goes to the final three with two people he can possibly beat in competitions, though Bowie Jane has proven to be really good in Q&As and we have seen that be the third part of the final HoH in the past. We definitely think he is going to strongly consider this.
Here’s the craziest scenario we can imagine right now — Jag evicts Matt, goes to the final three with Bowie Jane and Felicia, and then Bowie wins the final HoH. What if she evicts Jag, goes to the final two with Felicia, and loses? We doubt that this is going to happen, but it’s absolutely worth considering. (It’s far more likely that Jag evicts Matt than Bowie evicts Jag, based on what we have seen in the game as of late.)
Related – Have you heard that AFP voting is already underway for the Big Brother 25 finale?
What do you think about the final four Veto winner on Big Brother 25?
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