Billions season 7 episode 12 (series finale): Tied to spin-offs?

Billions season 7
Photo: Showtime

As so many out there more than likely know at this point, Billions season 7 episode 12 is the series finale. We’ve come a long way since the very beginning of the show and yet, there is still an epic final showdown ahead with Axe, Chuck, and Prince. There’s a good chance that one or potentially all of these characters meet their downfall before the end credits roll, but that also does not mean we’re at the end of the story at all.

If you recall, several months ago there were reports that Paramount+ and Showtime were looking to branch out and potentially develop multiple new entries within the Billions franchise, with the idea being to create more shows that would have instant audiences. There is a template that the powers-that-be are looking to copy after Taylor Sheridan found a great deal of success with the likes of Yellowstone, 1923, and 1883. It makes a certain amount of sense to look further at the world of the super-wealthy, but not within the same exact lens as what we’ve seen with this show.

Now that we’ve said that, we honestly don’t think that the goal of this series finale is going to be setting the stage for something more. While it would not come as much of a surprise if the events here did set up something else, Axe, Prince, Wendy, and Chuck are going to be the priority. There will be plenty of chances to develop other projects down the road!

After all, it is certainly worth reporting right now that it does not seem as though any potential spin-off is close to fruition. The long WGA strike likely delayed any potential plans for a while and now, the creative team may only be starting to revisit a lot of these ideas all over again.

Related Be sure to get some other news on Billions, including a few other details all about what we could be seeing from here

What do you most want to see moving into the Billions series finale, and do you think it will lead to other spin-offs?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are some other updates coming down the road.

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