Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cory’s campaign continues

Big Brother 25
Photo: CBS

No matter what happens tomorrow in the Big Brother 25 house, we can at least say this: Cory is doing the smart thing in fighting for his life. He’s also making some decent points in his campaign. Is it enough to save him? Probably not, but he’s not throwing America under the bus and instead, he is advocating for himself in a way to further the long game of others.

Earlier today, we documented more of what he said to Cirie, while dressed up in a suit almost as though he was a lawyer stating his case. He knows that he can go against Matt and Jag, and that he will also be a big target to hide behind for a while. He reiterated that in a conversation to Felicia, and made it clear that he, Cirie, Bowie Jane, and her could work together. Given that the Seven Deadly Sins were a thing, the Four Horsemen could be the name of this group (at least based on his suggestion earlier on).

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What is the benefit for Cirie and Felicia doing this? Cory said that he’d probably be the target at final four, and this sets up Cirie and Felicia well for making it to the end. Also, Bowie is not perceived as that big of a threat at the moment, and they can target Matt and Jag soon.

Felicia, in listening to this campaign, was pretty darn quiet — she didn’t say a whole lot, and neither did Cirie a little bit earlier. We don’t think she really needed to. The best move for her and Cirie is to get to the final four with the most people they feel they can beat — America has yet to win a challenge, and that could make her more useful at the end than Cory. Sure, they do still need Matt and Jag out of the game and someone has to take the shot — that is really the biggest argument for keeping Cory right now.

Related Read more on the Big Brother 25 campaign from earlier in the day now

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