Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Felicia learns about the plan!

Big Brother 25

When Felicia began her solitary confinement on Big Brother 25 yesterday, things were relatively different in the game. At that point, there was a pretty good chance that she could be sent out of the game opposite someone like Cirie on the block.

After all, remaining that Blue and Jag won the two Vetoes — Blue would certainly use one to remove herself, and she may have felt like Jag would not be interested in changing up anything on his end. Why would he be? Well, things have changed and now, a great opportunity has presented itself to get Cory or America out of the game. He is going to remove Felicia from the block and work to make that happen.

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The first thing that we can say about Felicia getting out of her punishment is that she was thrilled to be back around everyone. Mere minutes later, he clued her in on the entire plan, claiming that she was never the target and he nominated her because she nominated him as a pawn back during his Head of Household week. She was elated, and noted that she actually prayed for an outcome like this during her solitary.

Does this change the Jag – Felicia relationship moving forward? Well, that’s complicated. We don’t think there is some extreme animosity here but at the same time, Felicia knows that Jag is a threat. Everyone does! What makes things a little bit tricky here is that he can play in the next HoH Competition so with that in mind, he has a chance to be safe for a good while. He probably knows that he is one of the biggest threats in the game at this point, so he and Matt need to win a ton to have a good chance at things the rest of the way.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including other updates moving forward

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(Photo: CBS.)

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