Big Brother 25: Was Cameron Hardin evicted … again?

Big Brother 25

During tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode, did we see the second eviction of Cameron Hardin from the game? Also, did it stick this time around?

First and foremost, we should note that for the past few days, it has felt a little bit like a foregone conclusion that Cameron was going to leave the game — he is just not much of a social player, and he is far too much of a competition threat. We just didn’t see any scenario in which he was going to be able to make it through tonight, and he didn’t do a ton of campaigning, either.

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We really did not think there would be a lot of drama on Cameron’s way out the door. We do think that he is one of those people who cares a lot about how he is at least perceived on the live shows — or, at least getting the narrative on his side. This is the same guy who asked America not to leave him a negative goodbye message.

The eviction is in!

Of course, this was unanimous and honestly, this was not the top story of the night at all. Instead, it was all of the ridiculous “exquisite” compliments towards Julie Chen and then eventually, her hitting America with one before she could get her. Also, we then saw Cory break the trend while also wearing a very colorful outfit that made him appear as though he was a character in Miami Vice.

Cameron handled his exit about as we thought that he would — he was reasonably classy about it, and he will get some power as a part of the jury.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including some pre-eviction drama

What did you think about Cameron Hardin being eviction on Big Brother 25?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to also come back — there are other updates coming and, of course, we don’t want you to miss any of those.

(Photo: CBS.)

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