Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The latest vote-flip debate
Let’s just start off here with a simple reminder that as of yesterday, there were a few small discussions about keeping Felicia and sending out Mecole. However, most of them were really initiated by Cory, which was hilarious since he’s one of the people who should want Felicia to stay more than anyone.
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Now, however, Matt and Jag are all aboard the flip train, and are currently debating whether or not to make something happen, especially if they talk with Cirie and Blue about the possibility of it. Felicia is at least saying some of the right things today to Matt and Jag, noting that she could go after Cameron, Cory, or America. Also, she could stay loyal to them for a little while (think final five or so) before everything goes haywire. She’s also talked with Cirie, who told her that she’d love to work with her if she stays — provided that she stops with a lot of her nonsense. We tend to think that means blowing uppeople’s games and all the smack-talk, which Cirie already knows about.
The biggest reason to keep Felicia is that she is much easier to read than Meme, who is more of a wild-card and holds her cards close. Meme is also a competition threat late in the game, and she’s done reasonably well in some competitions, even when she hasn’t won. (Yes, Felicia did win HoH, but her overall performance has consistently been worse.)
At this point, we don’t even want to say who is leaving with confidence — it will probably change another five or six times.
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Who do you think should go between Mecole and Felicia on Big Brother 25 this week?
Be sure to let us know below, and also come back — there are several other updates on the way.
(Photo: CBS.)