Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Any flip discussions? (day 63)

Big Brother 25

As we do prepare ourselves for the latest activity in the Big Brother 25 house today, why not look at the current state of the vote. We know that Felicia and Mecole remain on the block following the Veto Ceremony, but who is going to be leaving of the two?

First and foremost, we should start here by nothing that Felicia is the obvious target, but that doesn’t mean that 100% she goes. There are reasons to target Mecole instead — she is more calculating as a player and she does hold information back. She’s also more capable of winning in endurance competitions and we do think she could be really good at some of the information-based comps later in the game. She also hasn’t made any enemies on who would potentially be in the jury.

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However, here’s the problem: Felicia already blew up on Cory at the Veto Ceremony and after the fact, got into it with America. She hasn’t done any favors for herself with what she has done over the past 24 hours. Yet, she is beatable in certain competitions and while she and Cirie have buried the hatchet somewhat, her allegiances are nebulous at best.

Last night, there were discussions between Matt, Jag, Cory, and America about flipping the vote, given that the four alone have the control this week. However, they opted against doing it. The craziest thing for now is just that if Cory wins power coming up, he isn’t necessarily out to target Cameron. Instead, we could be seeing a situation where Blue is his target instead — it does limit Cirie’s options further. Yet, if Cory is really that threatened by Cirie, shouldn’t you just get her out of the game and be done with it?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother right now, including some other updates on the feeds from yesterday

Who would you rather see evicted on Big Brother 25 today, Mecole or Felicia?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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