Call the Midwife season 13: A filming progress report

Call the Midwife season 11

We know that Call the Midwife season 13 is slated to be released at some point in early 2024 — so where do things stand behind the scenes?

Well, the first thing that we should really do is remind everyone out there that the British period drama has not been subject to some of the same work stoppages that we’ve had here in America the past several months. With that in mind, production has continued to move steady along over time here. A Christmas Special has long been in the can (which will premiere later this year), and we are pleased to say that the cast and crew are past the halfway point of their filming period at present.

To get a little more news — including an update on some on-location work — here is what the series had to say in an official post on Facebook:

Last week our team took a special excursion away from the smoke-filled streets of the Sixties East End to film in the fresh coastal air of Sussex.

The weather was….well, as you’d expect from England in September – sunny, rainy, stormy, bright, cold and warm all in one day!!!! But our intrepid crew made the best of it, and much fun was had by all!

This sequence was for episode 5 of season 13…. which means that we’re racing on with our filming for the next series! Just three more eps to film after this one. The Autumn winds were blowing on the beach, and the light was closing in much earlier – which told us that it wouldn’t be too long to wait now until our brand new Christmas episode !!!

Odds are, we’ll start to get more substantial teases on the Christmas Special at some point in November or early December — this is an event that always generates a good bit of viewership, so why would it be any different this time around?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Call the Midwife season 13 now

What do you most want to see moving into Call the Midwife season 13?

Be sure to share your thoughts and hopes in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back to get some other updates.

(Photo: BBC One.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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