Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, week 7
We’re not going to sit around here and pretend like the live feeds were setting up some surprise here — ever since Jag won the Power of Veto, it was obvious that he would use it. (On Sunday, we got confirmation that we were going to see him take Cory off the block.) From there, the plan was that Cameron would be going up in his place.
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So did that actually happen? As it turns out, absolutely. Cameron is now on the block (seemingly against America), and everyone seems ready and willing to get rid of him. We don’t get the sense that anything is going to change here. With that, a lot of people are already looking ahead.
Take, for example, Matt and Jag, who are already debating as to whether or not they should throw the next Head of Household. They’ve discussed it, but they are worried about a possible Cirie win and what that would mean for their future in the game. It feels on the surface now like unless Cirie wins, she and Jared are in big trouble, but there is a lot of time left! We would presume that with it being a double coming up, a lot of people are going to be more incentivized to try and win since the game could become so unpredictable moving forward.
The one person we do think will likely throw it is Blue, given that 1) she’s not in danger and 2) we highly doubt that she’s going to want to be the one to nominate her showmance. The main issue that the likes of Jag, Matt, America, and Cory face is that they all talk a lot, and that could put all of them in trouble.
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(Photo: CBS.)