Futurama season 11 episode 10 spoilers: A simulation?

Futurama season 11

Are you excited to check out Futurama season 11 episode 10 on Hulu next week? There are a handful of important things to note, but one stands out first: Where this story stands within the larger order.

For those currently unaware, this episode is going to be the last one for a good while. You can call it the midseason finale or just episode 10 if you want, but note that there is more coming at some point down the road — you just have to be patient for a little while.

So what is the next story going to be here? Well, the title for the next story is “All the Way Down,” and the synopsis below gives you a good sense of what lies ahead:

The crew investigates whether the universe is a simulation.

Of course, we don’t even how you would investigate a simulation even if the world was in one. Isn’t that a part of the fun here? Well, we suppose that it would be! We are anticipating a story that is over-the-top, ridiculous, and also plenty of fun — and maybe we’ll learn a few more things about the characters along the way here!

To us, one of the funniest things about this episode in particular is that in one way, it goes against a lot of what we’ve seen so far this season. Time and time again, we have seen this show gives us a lot of stories that are extremely timely to what is going on in the world right now. Meanwhile, there is almost nothing timely about a simulation at all save for the fact that there have been even more people talking about it lately!

Still, this very idea has been out there for years, so of course we’re a little bit curious as to whether or not this show can make it stand out at all.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Futurama season 11 episode 10 moving forward?

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(Photo: Hulu.)

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