Heels season 2 episode 8 (finale): Is Jack Spade paralyzed?

Heels season 2

We had a feeling that the Heels season 2 finale on Starz was going to raise some huge questions about the future of the DWL. With that being said, though, we didn’t anticipate a cliffhanger that was anywhere near as devastating as what we got at the end of the hour.

Is Jack Spade’s future in wrestling over? Well, he squared off with his brother Ace at the end of the joint event with Dystopia and after following the script and pulling out some impressive moves, he started to do one of his favorite things: Going off-script. First, he pulled off the incredibly shooting star press of the top rope, an incredibly difficult move to properly do. Then, he couldn’t get up.

At first, he told Ace to get up and win the match because that is what the crowd wanted — then, he made it clear that he couldn’t get up. To Staci later, he indicated that he could not feel his legs. This is all an extremely troublesome sign, especially when you think about the long-term implications.

By having Ace stand up at the end of the match, what he did was work in order to ensure here that he was going to be popular — and maybe there is a future for the DWL in terms of fan support. However, Gully will now do everything that he can to destroy him and they’ve made a ton of enemies.

The hardest part after all of this is, of course, not knowing if there is a season 3. This is a really hard way for the series to end provided that it is the end — there is a chance here for Heels to actually shine a light on injuries that happen in wrestling. Also, emphasize further how hard it can be to leave the ring even when you know you shouldn’t be in it anymore.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion on Heels season 3

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(Photo: Starz.)

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