Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 6 Veto Ceremony aftermath

Big Brother 25

The week 6 Veto Ceremony has now come and gone within the Big Brother 25 house, and we are in a pretty fascinating spot right now.

So where do we start? Well, a good place is by noting that really for the first time, we have hit this point where Izzy has to prove value to people rather than other people proving value to her. After all, she and Felicia remain on the block after Jared did not use his Veto.

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A good example of this is Cory, who has told Izzy a lot of information over the past few weeks. Yet, yesterday Cory started to wake up and realize that Cirie and Izzy really don’t have his best interest at heart, and today Izzy told him that Blue has been leaking information to the other side. He now knows that he can’t trust Blue, and we think Jag is starting to come around to the idea that Cory and America maybe some of the only people he can rely on.

Are there still a lot of problems? Yes, with the biggest one being America talks too much to someone in Cameron (who she thinks can be used, if she doesn’t like him personally), and Cory has historically talked too much to Izzy. He does realize now that he can’t fully trust her, and even today he realized more that Jared is also spreading a lot of info around. They still haven’t figured out entirely that the power is concentrated in Jared, Cirie, and Izzy and until they do, they still may not be able to shake up the game entirely.

Where Cameron stands

The man continues to live on delusion island, and currently seems to think that he has the votes to evict Izzy — even though America, Bowie, and others have told him he doesn’t. We’ve already seen him try to throw her under the bus to Matt, but it’s hard to think that will work.

Related Learn more about the two-hour Big Brother 25 we are getting on Wednesday

Who would you vote to evict on Big Brother 25 this week?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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