Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony preview (day 41)

Big Brother 25

The Veto Ceremony is happening later this afternoon within the Big Brother 25 house, but there is a lot to get into here in advance!

First and foremost, let’s start off here with the following: Jared is almost certainly not using the Veto. Despite everything that happened in the house yesterday with him and Cameron toying around with some other players, it hasn’t actually gotten the two of them anywhere. Cameron still doesn’t know that Jared is Cirie’s son, after all, so really Jared is just feeding into his ego and allowing him to sink his own ship. Felicia and Izzy are staying on the block, and Jared has already told the two of them that. Felicia, more than likely, will be the one leaving the game.

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With that being said, there were some conversations last night that started to change things up a little long-term. America and Matt had a conversation where Matt told her about Cirie playing for the power and him also using said power; she relayed that to Cory, and for the first time he started to understand fully that he can’t trust Cirie and Izzy as much as he thought. He is now more aware than ever that he needs to win the next Head of Household.

Do America or Cory like Cameron? No, but they also realize that he is not going after him right now. That could inform part of their thinking moving forward, while Jag has also gained more trust with America and tried to advocate for her to Matt today. It does feel like America, Jag, and Cory now have more legitimate reasons to trust each other, but they still have blind spots. Take, the closeness that Jag has to Blue, and how much information she does tell Jared. Meanwhile, Cory until recently really felt like he could work with Jared, but the events of the past week or so have changed that.

All of a sudden, we are starting to have two defined sides of the house again, though Cirie likely does have the upper hand still since she still has Jared as a potential double agent and is much closer to Matt than some other people realized.

Related Why is there a two-hour episode of Big Brother 25 coming on Wednesday night?

What do you want to see at the Veto Ceremony within Big Brother 25 today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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