Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is Red going to self-evict?
We expected to talk about the Red – Big Brother 25 situation a little bit earlier today, but then the Veto Players were chosen and we needed to be patient. Rest assured, though, we’re getting to it now — is this guy actually considering leaving the game?
Well, let’s just put it this way — if he wins Veto, he has already discussed using it on Cameron. There’s a lot of “honor” and “integrity” stuff being thrown around in here as reasons, including a promise that Red made and also chatter that he supposedly wants to be back with his girlfriend and is worried that the relationship won’t work out if he stays in the house.
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Now, just in case you were wondering why Red would care this little about being a part of the show, it may be because, in part, this really just seems to be about further promoting his social presence. He’s got a big following already on TikTok, and he doesn’t exactly seem to be the biggest fan of the show. We know that the series loves to have the whole “southern guy” archetype on this series, but did we really need both him and Cameron? What are they bringing to the table here together?
If Cameron wasn’t so off-putting in the game a lot of the time, we’d root for Red to just leave so that people who are super-serious about playing are still there. Of course, it’s also possible that Red will get his head on straight today. He was super in his feelings yesterday, in part due to the fact that his birthday is coming up and he didn’t want to be on the block for it. Isn’t that Big Brother, though? This is all a part of the game…
Related – Is there a chance that America could become the target this week on Big Brother 25?
What do you think about what’s happening with Red within the Big Brother 25 house today?
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(Photo: CBS.)