Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Another ‘blindside’ ahead?

Big Brother 25

As we close out day 31 within the Big Brother 25 house, let’s talk about a major rinse-and-repeat strategy going on right now. Sure, you’ve got different people on the block, but it feels right now like the strategy is pretty similar to what we’ve seen in the past.

If you missed it, earlier today Head of Household Jared nominated Cameron and Red for eviction. We know that Cameron is the target, and it seems like Jared thinks that he’ll be able to blindside him. That is the goal here: To just have him feel reasonably comfortable and then take him out later. Sure, it’s not a backdoor plan this time around, but we’ve seen variations of this all season long.

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Will Cameron figure it out? Well, we already think that he’s worried, but in general we don’t think there’s a ton of campaigning. Instead, we mostly have Red moping about given that his birthday is coming and he has to spend a part of it on the block. For the record, his birthday isn’t until Tuesday and we’ve already heard some people express hope that he can win the Veto tomorrow as a way to celebrate. Why is he getting a full week of this? His birthday’s not tomorrow! We’re having flashbacks to last season already…

While all of this silliness is happening, a big storyline right now is Jag continuing to try and piece together what happened with the vote on Thursday. It does feel like he’s figured out that Cirie was behind at least part of it, and he had a back-and-forth with her earlier that got a little bit tense at times. Matt hasn’t told her what Jag told him (basically, be careful what you say to people … even Cirie), but Jag has woken up somewhat to dynamics of the game. The hilarious thing in this situation is that Cirie actually did want to save him and the 10-0 vote was more Jared’s fault.

The replacement nominee choices, depending on what happens tomorrow, are either America or Bowie Jane. So long as Cameron stays on the block, he probably goes; things get a little more complicated if he wins Veto.

Related Be sure to see more news on Big Brother 25, including an “alliance” that isn’t

What do you think we will see on Big Brother 25 tomorrow?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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