Winning Time season 2 schedule: The finale date and more

Winning Time season 2

For those of you who are excited to see more Winning Time season 2 arrive on HBO, we have a good bit to share within!

First and foremost here, let’s make it clear that (shockingly) there are only seven episodes this season. Isn’t this a hard thing to wrap your head around? It is in the sense that there is so much ground being covered this season (think years) and they easily could have opted to stretch this out for a longer period of time.

Let’s get back to that schedule for a moment — episode 2 is airing this Sunday, and the plan here is that there will be new installments every single week as we move forward. According to The Wrap, there is no plan for the show to be off the air for Labor Day Weekend, a time when traditionally ratings can be a tad lower. They are going to keep playing this out!

So because of this, when is the finale going to arrive on HBO? Sunday, September 17. We hope that this is a big and eventful end of the season, especially because of the fact that there is no guarantee of a season 3 later on. Sure, we would absolutely like more and there is a good bit of the Lakers dynasty to cover. The mystery still remains just whether or not we are going to see it, and precisely what that looks like.

On the other side of this season

Well, the one thing that we can say is that there is a new season of True Detective coming! Let’s hope that it is one that lives up to all of the hype that we have in our head for it at the moment.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Winning Time, including details all about the next new episode

What do you want to see when it comes to Winning Time season 2 moving forward?

Is there any one thing you are most excited for? Be sure to share right away in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: HBO.)

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