Claim to Fame season 2: Is Chris related to Elton John?

Claim to Fame season 2

For most of Claim to Fame season 2, there were a lot of questions about Chris. Yet, he actually gave us the biggest clue of all! (We’ll get back to the Elton John nonsense in a moment.)

For the longest time, we have wondered about the guy being related to legendary singer Donny Osmond, and for good reason. The “Puppy Love” clue was a huge signal, and then in a confessional tonight, he basically confirmed that he was Donny’s son by throwing out Utah and then also the Mormon religion. The funny thing here is that he got super-paranoid over the fact that people knew who he was when, in reality, they didn’t. They were still really convinced that he was related to Billy Idol … or at least that was the case for a good chunk of the episode.

Hilariously, at one point they started to think that the guy was related to Elton John. Why would they think that? Well, colorful coats, an astronaut on a clue wall, and then also dancing shoes. Tiny dancer? The hilarious thing here is that nobody seemed to think for a moment that Elton John is British. Also, they knew that Chris’ relative was born in Utah.

We’ve already spelled out that the Elton John guess is wrong and in some weird way, we almost have to admire some of these people for thinking this impossibly outside of the box with this. How are they missing what is directly in front of them for this? We may never know.

At the end of the episode…

Hugo did actually try to guess that Chris was related to Elton John, but that was a guess that got him eliminated. With that, Chris has another chance to move forward and he remains a key player to win this whole thing.

Related Go ahead to get some more news on Claim to Fame, including what lies ahead

Do you think that tonight’s Claim to Fame season 2 episode gave us Chris – Elton John clues?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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