Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 1?

Big Brother 25

Today in the Big Brother 25 house we had a chance to see the first Power of Veto Competition of the season! So who won it, and what does it mean? Well, we’ve got all of the answers for you within this piece!

The first thing that we really should do to start things off here is set the table. After all, Head of Household Reilly decided to keep Felicia and Kirsten on the block for eviction, and we know that Kirsten is meant to be her target. Joining the three of them in the Veto are Blue, Cameron, and Hisam. We know that everyone seems to be fairly unified on the target for the week, but we do wonder if Bowie / Hisam would ultimately remove Felicia in a show of loyalty to her.

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Without further ado now, let’s get to the winner: Hisam! He has the first Veto win on his resume, and he can work to figure out now what he wants to do.

Now, we know that he has spoken about potentially removing Felicia from the block, mostly because he’s felt for a while that it wasn’t cool for her to be nominated right away. He’s also not the biggest fan of Cory and would be happy to see him up. However, he has to be careful to not tip off his allegiances at this point in the game. Given that Kirsten almost 100% goes home if she stays on the block (at least for now), it may be easy to keep things the same.

If Hisam changes things, then we’re in a spot where this game is going to be chaotic right away — it’s a risky move for him, but it’d be fun for us as a viewer!

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What do you think about the Big Brother 25 Power of Veto winner today?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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