Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Nomination aftermath (day 3)

Big Brother 25

As many of you know at this point, Big Brother 25 has officially held their first nomination ceremony, if you want to call it that.

So what transpired? For those who are not aware at the moment, Kirsten and Felicia remain on the block while Cory and Jared were removed by Head of Household Reilly. We know that Kirsten is the target and ever since nominations, we have not seen anything that suggests that this will change.

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With this being said, there was a little bit of a reaction from Cory that some in the game found off-putting, as he came across a little too smug that he was removed from the block. That annoyed multiple people, and Cirie even sat down and had a talk with him. Hisam really dislikes him, to the point where he wants to play in Veto, win, and take Felicia off the block in the hopes that he will go up as a replacement nominee.

There is a lot of conversation already going on right now about the future of the game, with Cirie and Felicia (with the help of Jared and at times Izzy) trying to figure out where they are going to go as we move forward. There is a recognition that Reilly and Jag are super-close, which isn’t a huge shock given the fact that Reilly basically told people. Meanwhile, there is some confusion that Reilly is closer to Matt than she really is.

Whether it be socially or strategically, there does remain a clear divide between the older and younger players — and we could see that play out further. (Felicia is trying to mix things up with the younger group tonight, knowing that she needs some of them.) Everyone will be getting up early for the Veto, so we will see if that happens.

Related Go ahead to get some other news on Big Brother, including speculation on the 18th houseguest

What do you think is going to happen moving into Big Brother 25 tomorrow?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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