Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Preparing for nominations (day 3)
Here’s a quick reminder before we go further: Reilly is Head of Household, and she can choose to “remove” two of the people in Jared, Felicia, Cory, and Kirsten who were nominated as a result of the challenge during the premiere.
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So has she settled on something? Absolutely, and we don’t think that it is changing. It appears as though she is going to nominate Felicia and Kirsten, with the latter serving as the target. She made it clear to Felicia earlier that she was going to put her up and ultimately, Felicia’s not that upset by it. She told Cirie and Izzy that she understands, mostly due to the fact that if Cory or Jared were up against Kirsten, there’s a better chance that Kirsten ends up staying. She remains the target, mostly because of a lot of rumors that she started about a guys’ alliance and other things.
Cirie is in a tricky spot when it comes to hearing Felicia react to her conversation with Reilly, at least in that she recognizes that being nominated is never good, even as a pawn. However, she also has to make Felicia feel like it’s okay to not expose her relationship with Jared and make it possible for him to be thrown up there.
The only issue that Felicia runs into is in the event Kirsten wins the Veto. Given how much of a consensus first boot she is right now, it’s hard to see where things would pivot after that.
Related – Be sure to get more Big Brother 25 updates, including how crazy Reilly is with some of her gameplay
What do you think will happen after today’s Big Brother 25 nominations?
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(Photo: CBS.)