Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS with episode 2, August 3?
For the time being, though, we do think that we should really just go ahead and get some of the bad news out of the: The CBS reality juggernaut is not going to be airing anything more in a matter of hours. Last night’s 90-minute premiere was a way to set the table and now, a good bit of patience is going to be required as we move forward to Sunday night.
SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for more videos on BIG BROTHER 25! We will have live-feed updates all summer and weekly live streams at our Patreon.
Is there a way that some of that impatience can be satisfied along the way? Sure, as there are live-feed updates! We of course have that video above but beyond that, we are here sharing various updates all about various ins and outs within that house as often as we possibly can through this big, epic 100-day season.
One of the things that we will be most curious about entering the show on Sunday is just how Cirie Fields fits into the game. She is the first Survivor player whose reality career started over there to come into the Big Brother house. We’ve seen the role reversed before, but this is absolutely different. She’s an incredible game-player, but the problem here is also that everyone knows that she is! Beyond just that, her son Jared is in the game and that throws another wrinkle into all of this.
Are we in for a really fun season? That we’re confident about, at least for now. It does feel like this is going to be a fun cast!
Related – Go ahead and get some more news on Big Brother, including the first four nominees
What are you most excited to see moving into the next Big Brother 25 episode?
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(Photo: CBS.)