Where is Fear the Walking Dead season 8 episode 7 on AMC+?
Just think about it this way for a moment — after what you just saw, how can you not want a little bit more of this story? We are set up here for some really emotional and intense stuff! Sure, it seems like Morgan Jones is gone from this world, but there are a lot of characters who remain! That includes some people like Strand, who we haven’t seen all that much of during season 8 so far.
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Unfortunately, you are not going to be seeing that much of him this week, either. We are at this point right now where due to The Walking Dead: Dead City (plus AMC’s desire to split up parts of this show into chunks), the second half of Fear the Walking Dead season 8 may be several weeks, if not months, away from coming on the air. The network has no real need to rush things along here, especially since the writers’ strike currently means that they are not currently producing new programming.
No matter when we see the final six episodes of this particular show back, we imagine that the rollout will be relatively similar, with the installments airing on AMC proper on Sunday and then arriving on the streaming service a few days later. We know that they’ve toyed around with a few different models here, but we personally think this one works best instead of having episodes available for a full week in advance on AMC+. There are benefits to people watching at roughly the same time.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Fear the Walking Dead — could Alicia return before the end?
What do you most want to see on Fear the Walking Dead season 8 episode 7 when it eventually airs on AMC?
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(Photo: AMC.)
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.