The Idol season 1 episode 4 promo: About Tedros’ past…

The Idol season 1

As we get ourselves prepared to see The Idol season 1 episode 4 on HBO next week, it feels pretty clear who is going to be front and center: Tedros. He has to be, right?

Well, it is important to remember first and foremost what we have seen this character do so far. This is someone who has already actively worked to shrink Jocelyn’s inner circle, getting rid of just about anyone who opposes him. He’s starting to manipulate more and more of the people who could put a stop to some of his machinations, and where things could get interesting is with Leia.

After all, remember this: She is one of the people left who knows Jocelyn the best, and she’s been about as close to a friend as she really has within this whole world. We already saw Tedros usher her off during dinner and clearly, she knows that some bad stuff is happening. The problem is whether or not she’ll be able to do anything to stop it.

So what is the goal of her and the rest of the team into this weekend’s episode? Well, it seems like a part of it is learning the truth about who The Weeknd’s character really is. We are talking here about a guy with no defined experience in the music business and ultimately, no real backstory at all. If there is something questionable about his past, the idea here may be that it could be used against him. They have to find a way to make Jocelyn question whether or not he’s the right person to help her, though the irony here is that some of them may not be right, either. The different is just that they aren’t physically harmful and verbally controlling in the way that Tedros is.

There are only three episodes left of The Idol overall, and the idea of that alone is rather crazy to even think about. What are we going to see on this story before we reach the end? How dark are some major events going to become?

Related Be sure to get more news on the next The Idol episode

What do you most want to see moving into The Idol season 1 episode 4?

Is there anything that you are especially excited to see? Share right now in the comments! After you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates coming as we keep moving forward.

(Photo: HBO.)

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