The Idol season 1 episode 2: A look into Jocelyn from Lily-Rose Depp

The Idol season 1

Tomorrow night on HBO is going to offer you a chance to see The Idol episode 2 … so what can we say in advance of it?

This probably is not going to come as a shock, but a big part of this particular story ahead is going to be a look into celebrity culture. Jocelyn is a character who is clearly troubled — that much is clear. She’s got a group of people around her who want to control her every move, and even Tedros may be that way — even if he shows it differently. There is a lot that is most likely going to be examined over time with both of these characters.

From our vantage point, the most fascinating person on the show is Lily-Rose Depp, who seems to imbue her character with a lot of pain and yet, still some mystery. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the actress offers some insight into her character that may be among some of the most fascinating stuff we’ve heard about her so far:

“There’s something that my character says in one of the trailers, and you haven’t seen this episode yet, but she says, ‘There’s nothing about me that’s relatable.’ [I love] the self-awareness that she has, that she is not like everybody else, even though she’s flesh and bone just like everybody else, her life does not resemble a lot of people’s lives, and she is in a very particular position. The fact that she doesn’t shy away from that says a lot about who she is as a person. I do feel like we are in a lot of ways in a culture of relatability, where it’s like there’s always a real sense of trying to be relatable in celebrity culture, and I don’t think that Jocelyn plays into that.”

This is also what could make her interesting as a character, mostly because with so many people (even villains), shows often try to give you some element of “humanity.” Sure, Jocelyn is human, but does it matter if we always understand her? What matters is that her decisions need to make sense to her, and not what we would do in that situation.

Related Get more news now on The Idol and what could be coming up next

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(Photo: HBO.)

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