MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 3, episode 4 review: Jenna, Matty, and unhappy families
Tuesday night’s “Awkward” brought us important moments in some of the show’s primary relationships, and it also brought us plenty of awkward moments. If you have been in the situation that Jenna and Matty were in earlier this week, then you can probably relate: Jenna’s father found out that she and Matty were doing the deed, and then it was made even worse by the fact that her mom had been in on it for the whole time.
So what transpired next? Quite possibly the most uncomfortable experience that any teen can go through, as Jenna’s dad decided to call up Matty’s parents, and there was an entire meeting of the families that transpired. There was fighting, judgment, and of course serious shade thrown in when it came to glances from one person to the next. Clearly, Mr. and Mrs. Matty are far more conservative than Jenna’s own parents, and while they weren’t happy, they were at least a little bit more forgiving at the end of the day.
This confrontation ended up having ramifications that extended beyond the first meeting, as the scenes at the very end tended to strongly suggest that Matty’s parents threw him out thanks to what he did. Hopefully, Jenna’s family will take him in for a time, but this living arrangement could also end up straining his relationship with Jenna.
As for the Jake and Tamara plot, the main thing to really talk about here is that neither party is a virgin anymore. Not only that, but they exchanged a few words in “I love you.” We didn’t really find anything altogether funny here, but then, we didn’t find that much in the episode as a whole funny. This show works better when all of the characters are together, and this was a little more fragmented than the typical half-hour.
Did “Awkward” this week deliver for you, or was it almost too awkward for its own good? If you want to read some more spoilers on the road ahead this season, be sure to visit the link here.
Photo: MTV