Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7: Shauna’s future after big death

Yellowjackets season 2

As we prepare ourselves for Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7 on Showtime one story could prove more important than any other. So what are we talking about here? Well, that’s rather simple: How Shauna is going to function after the death of her baby in the past.

Much of “Burial” could be about mourning — yet, there is still that element of survival. Nothing is going to suddenly get easier, and we do think that this will be a huge talking point among the team.

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Also, losing the baby may be another reminder that these young women aren’t immersed in some crazy, pseudo-supernatural world. There is a reality that they may have to face at this point. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter about all of this, here is what Sophie Nélisse  (who plays the younger version of Shauna) had to say about all of this:

[The fact that the baby dies] grounds the show so much. Everyone is slowly getting into this whole cult situation, with the group prayer and everything. I like that aspect of it, because I think you have to hold onto or believe in something to make it through and survive, otherwise you wouldn’t see a point in even trying. And I think it’s such a slap in the face. That no, there wasn’t a reason for this baby. There was no higher power. There’s no logical sense, there’s no good reason. It’s not a sacrifice. They won’t eat it. The baby will just be buried, and that’s the end. And it smacks them back into reality a little. To those who did believe in Lottie, maybe that faith will start to tremble a little bit, that even Lottie couldn’t save the baby. I think it’s interesting, because it will keep that fine line of the question of: Is there some higher power or not? And if there is, why? It evokes even more questioning around the whole cult in all of it.

Now, we know that Shauna makes it through the wilderness, but there are still some other things that you have to wonder about with her out there — how much more trauma does she endure? Does this send her down a really difficult path? We may not get all of the answers this season, but let’s hope for at least some…

Related Go ahead and get some other updates now about this Yellowjackets episode

What do you think we are going to see moving into Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7?

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(Photo: Showtime.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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