Big Brother Canada 11 interview: Kuzie Mujakachi on big game

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When you look back at Big Brother Canada 11 over the next few months, it feels like Kuzie Mujakachi is going to be remembered fondly. She was one of the biggest personalities of the season and for several weeks, you can say that she absolutely was running that house.

After all, think about her resume for a moment here! “Queen Kuzie” had a lot of people post-game saying they were rooting for her, and consistently she showed a real knack for being able to strategically tilt things in her advantage. However, you can argue that some of it fell apart during Whodunnit Week, and that started to spin out of control as her alliance The Crown fell apart — and they all collectively lost competitions at inopportune times.

So what does Kuzie have to say about her game now looking back? Let’s just say that we were pretty psyched to chat with her in an exit interview today … though we would’ve rather had it be later on this season.

Matt & Jess TV – How are you feeling about your game, one day later?

Kuzie (laughs) – About my game? I’m feeling good. About being out of the house? Not so much. I was so close — after that, you have your day where you’re feeling all the feels. But game-wise, I did what I came to do so I can only be proud.

When Ty won the Veto on Renee’s HoH, did you think you were going on the block?

Absolutely, immediately. That’s why I started my campaign before I was even on the block, and before she had even made nominations. I had already began to pitch myself because I knew if it wasn’t Ty, it was me. Even though it may have looked like she was deliberating between me and Daniel, I knew she wasn’t going to ignore the opportunity.

We saw you campaign hard, but is there anything else you wish you would have done?

I pretty much tried everything. I tried the things that could’ve worked. Anything else that I would have tried may have given them more reason to kick me out of the house. Everything that I tried where things that could have worked if they would just give me an ear and not be scared.

I don’t think there was anything they doubted about [some of my plans and ideas], but they were so scared of me and Ty working together. The duo of me and Ty is stronger than a duo of Anika and Daniel. I think that’s where I lost it.

Do you have any big game regrets this season?

Not making the effort to align myself with Ty and Santina from the get-go. What happened is that Santina won the first HoH and they started doing things on their own and left me out. For me, I never recovered from that and made effort to re-position that. I don’t think they were welcome to that, but maybe if I had tried and tried and tried. Maybe they didn’t even see me as a powerful player at that point but I never recovered from that.

Instead, I aligned myself with other people who had already promised themselves things. I was in a losing position anyway, but I knew first and foremost that I was fighting for myself.

What are you most looking for as a juror in terms of gameplay?

I am looking for someone who played fearlessly and unapologetically and played like a player — did everything that they did without fear and didn’t hide behind other people and float their way to the top. I don’t want someone who made it there by chance; I want them to have made it there by playing the game.

What would your speech have been at the final two?

My speech … I would have highlighted the strong social game that everybody sees. Most of the people in jury are in jury at my hand, and the person who is in the final two [with me] is probably there by my mercy. I was unapologetic, strong, fearless, and I did things and made moves that people were afraid to make. I brought thought to life and I represented the season. I represented for Big Brother itself. I was entertaining — I tried! I would pitch my well-roundedness, and I think everyone would have seen it already.

My speech would be the icing on the cake, but the cake would have already tasted good because they’d been tasting it.

Finally, what move of yours this season are you the most proud of?

I think the move I’m most proud of is the move to nominate Zach. That’s the move that people were thinking about, but I don’t think a lot of people would have stepped up to make that move. The only other person who probably would have done it is Santina.

For sure, that move solidified me in people’s minds as a player, as a strategist, and as a fearless woman and a leader.

Related Get more thoughts on the Double Eviction from last night

What did you think about Kuzie’s overall game on Big Brother Canada 11 as a whole?

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(Photo: Global.)

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