Snowfall season 6 spoilers: Show EP on ’emotional’ ending

Snowfall season 5

As so many of you may be aware already, Snowfall season 6 is going to be the final season on FX, and that’s a hard thing to think about! We’ve been on an incredible journey with this show and yet, we now have to prepare to say goodbye … even if we don’t really want to.

So what can we say about the end of the road? Let’s just turn to co-creator Dave Andron, who has done an exceptional job with this story and carrying on the legacy established in the beginning by the late John Singleton. The series has taken its time showcasing the rise and fall of one Franklin Saint, a guy who now has to face the possibility of ending up broke, alone, or dead. He wants revenge at Teddy for stealing his fortune and shutting him out, but will he really get it? This has been a dark, heavy story from the beginning and we’re not sure if that’s going to change.

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Speaking further on this subject in a new interview with TVLine, here is what Andron had to say about the end of the road and what Singleton would have thought about it:

“I think we finished telling the story in a really surprising and inevitable way … It’s really emotional, and I think it’s really satisfying, and I think that’s what he would have wanted. I believe he’d be really happy with where we landed.”

Of course, just because we think we know what’s going to happen next with Franklin doesn’t mean the path ahead is that clear. More than likely, there are going to be a lot of different twists and turns ahead — the same ones the show has been known for over the years.

Related Check out other news right away when it comes to Snowfall

How do you think the story is going to end in regards to Snowfall season 6?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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