Cobra Kai season 6 premiere date: A chance at big game reveal?

Cobra Kai season 5

We know that a Cobra Kai season 6 is coming to Netflix down the road, and obviously, that’s worth a good bit of excitement! Of course, it’s also somewhat bittersweet since this is the final season, and of course this is not the sort of show that we’d ever want to see conclude. If only there was some sort of magical way that it could go on forever!

Of course, this is where we could bring in some sort of conversation about potential spin-offs and the like, but that’s a topic for another day.

What we wanted to get more into at this point was the chance that something more could be revealed during this weekend’s Super Bowl broadcast, given that this is the biggest advertising day of the year and Cobra Kai is one of Netflix’s bigger shows. If you are going to make a splash, isn’t this the place to do that?

Well, just like you would imagine, there are a few issues that are a little bit clear at the moment. First and foremost, you have to consider the fact that this show has not yet started production on the final episodes, and it’s hard to promote something without having any footage! Sure, there could be a generic teaser with old footage, but is there any value in that? Are you going to spend millions to air a recap during the big game? It feels unlikely.

Also, we have a hard time thinking that Netflix 100% has decided on a Cobra Kai season 6 premiere date at this point. They may have a rough idea and that’s it. (Personally, we think the end of this year / early 2024 are the most likely options.)

Here’s what we think could happen: If the Karate Kid off-shoot is not out by Super Bowl Sunday next year, we could see Netflix doing something then. For the time being, though, they seem keen to just let us wait and honestly, we understand it.

Related Check out more news on Cobra Kai, including spin-off hopes

Do you think we’re going to be getting a Cobra Kai season 6 tease during the Super Bowl?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Also, remember to come back for some more updates all about the series. (Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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