Grey’s Anatomy season 19: How will Meredith leave the show?

Grey's Anatomy

We know that at some point this season, Ellen Pompeo will be leaving Grey’s Anatomy insofar as being an onscreen presence. She will continue as an executive producer and narrator but for now, the plan is for her to only appear in eight episodes. That’s a hard pill to swallow, even knowing that the writers have planned ahead and are working to compensate by introducing a number of new faces.

So now that we’ve said all of this, we know that there have been questions regarding how Meredith would be exiting the main story. It doesn’t appear as though the writers are killing her off, so rest assured, she could be available down the road. While there are no specifics as of right now, showrunner Krista Vernoff tells TV Insider that there is a reason why will see the character go MIA at a certain point:

“When you’ve got a woman who has a job that she loves, a career that she loves, a man that she loves, what is the thing that might take her out of the main storytelling? And my answer to that is: her kids … Something happens with her kids that changes the course of her plans for her life.”

If she has to move away because of something tied to her kids, this is something a lot of people could understand. Given that Scott Speedman is only going to be a recurring guest star for season 19, we figure there’s a chance that he could follow her wherever she ends up. That’s another thing to think about for now, and there could be some seeds planted for this early on — or we certainly hope so. We don’t want this to be a situation where she just exits out of the blue after almost two decades and there isn’t a lot of buildup for it in advance. (We’ve certainly seen some of this on some other shows.)

Related Be sure to get some more news on the Grey’s Anatomy premiere

How do you think Meredith Grey will exit as an on-screen presence on Grey’s Anatomy season 19?

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