Big Brother 24 spoilers: Live – Double Eviction updates! (day 65)

Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother 24you are going to get an epic Double Eviction event! Over the course of the second half of this episode you’re going to get a new HoH, a Veto, and another eviction.

Before we dive into this further, note that you can get more updates on the first half of this episode, including the latest eviction, over at the link here. For the record, that is also where you can get some more updates from the live feeds, including thoughts later today on the next Head of Household after the show.

Now that we’ve spelled all of this out, why not go ahead and get into the meat of the story? There is a LOT that could happen and depending on who gets sent out the door here, this could radically alter the course of the rest of the season. Be prepared for that and a whole lot more.

Before we go too far, though, here’s a reminder that we’re going to be updating this live as it goes; there is still a lot to discuss here! First and foremost, here’s your reminder that Terrance got evicted.

Who won HoH? As a quick reminder, Michael was ineligible to play — that’s super-important given that he is the obvious target for most of the house. Turner won! This is a guy who loves to keep his options open, and we imagine he’d do just that here.

Nominations – Alyssa and Brittany. It makes sense. Brittany is the easy person to go after since she scrambled too hard this week. This also leaves it open for a Michael replacement nominee … though he’d likely remove Brittany if he wins.

Veto – The pressure was on Michael to untangle himself here and win, and this was not an easy challenge for a pretty tall guy. He looked to be moving slower than some other players at times. Was he methodical? Yes, as it turns out! He managed to do a lot to get himself out, but there was a problem. He didn’t have enough cable! He went too early.

Michael lost! Monte was the winner and the moment he got that necklace, it was clear what he wanted: To take the shot and get Michael out. Monte used the Veto on Alyssa and with that, Michael became the replacement nominee.

Eviction – Michael was gone, and the vote was unanimous. Michael was clearly upset and he made a good pitch to Alyssa and Taylor, but it didn’t matter. He left the game immediately. He was classy after the fact and he respected the move that they made.

What did you want to see from tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode going into it?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates ahead that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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