The Challenge USA finale preview: Could someone quit?

The Challenge

Next week on CBS The Challenge USA is going to be here with the finale, and also the most physically grueling competition left.

Over the course of the two-hour event, there are seemingly a couple of different things that needed to be attended to. First things first, there’s one more women who will be eliminated before we reach the end. Things could get pretty competitive here, especially since there are a number of people left who could theoretically win the final.

With that in mind, the second hour should focus almost exclusively on a grueling trek through the mountains to win the grand prize and just about everything that entails. Domenick at one point says that he may quit, Danny suffers what he considers one of the worst nights of his life, and even a high-endurance athlete like Tyson is struggling a lot with the elements. This is not something that any of these people are accustomed to. The women probably have it hard, as well, but the preview of course focused on the guys since they are the ones seemingly locked-in.

Now, there is one other question we’re wondering about: What’s going to happen with Enzo? Could the ultimate underdog actually do better than expected here? We doubt it. The guys deserves a lot of credit for fighting through and winning three Arena battles this season, but he’s just not the same athlete as some of the other people who are left. It would be a pretty funny story, though, and we have no real idea how he would make it past some of the censors.

One more thing: We really hope we get news on a season 2 before long! We want to see who else could be brought on board…

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Challenge USA right now, including more on where things could go moving forward

What do you most want to see on The Challenge USA finale?

Is there any one person who you are rooting for at this point? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates you don’t want to miss. (Photo: MTV.)

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