Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Alliances, endgame plans (day 12)
Before we dive further into this update, bookmark our Big Brother 24 archive page! We post anywhere from two to four new live feed updates a day.
Here’s a quick rundown: Head of Household Jasmine nominated Taylor and Pooch for eviction on Friday, and yesterday, Michael won the Power of Veto! It doesn’t appear as though he’s going to use it. We learned from him last night that he’d actually love to have Taylor at the final four alongside Indy and Brittany, but we don’t know what the odds are of that happening. There are still multiple women plus Monte (of course) who do seem to irrationally have it out for her, and she’s probably going to be targeted on a somewhat regular basis. There’s already been discussion of her being nominated virtually every week.
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For now, the plan is for Pooch to be evicted and while some guys want him to stay, they’re just not going to have the numbers. We’d love for this to be a blindside mostly because of the resulting chaos.
Are there actual alliances right now?
It’s confusing given that it’s hard to gauge if any single one is dominant or not. There is a group that consists of Alyssa, Ameerah, Nicole, Monte, Kyle, and Michael that is somewhat-solid, mostly because they previously existed as “Mamba” when Paloma was in the game. (She’s been mostly swapped out for Nicole.) However, Michael and Monte in particular have very different views of where the game is going to go in the long-term.
Meanwhile, there are still alliances featuring the guys (minus Terrance and Michael) and the women (minus Taylor and Nicole), but in general, it does still feel like there’s a lot of conservative and/or fear-based playing going on right now. Daniel and Nicole have their Rogue Rats final two, but if we were Nicole we’d want to jump ship from that since he’s so weirdly obsessed with how big of a threat Taylor is.
What do you think is going to happen within the Big Brother 24 house today?
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