The Challenge USA episode 3: Can Tyson continue his streak?
The big headline coming out of tonight’s episode is the elimination of Tiffany & Cashel — no offense to Cashel, but it’s Tiffany’s departure that matters the most here. We are very-well aware of just how dominant a strategic player she is, and Tyson for a time thought getting her out of the game at this point could lead to all the Big Brother players splintering off. Yet, it turned out that a lot of Big Brother alum were throwing her under the bus! This wasn’t that controversial a move for Tyson & Justine to make.
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So with these two out of the game, of course everyone will end up getting new partners — and episode 3 of course will start with that. Tyson is still going to try to run the game alongside Angela, but how long will that work? So long as he’s confident he can defeat everyone he comes up against, it may not even matter. He’s still the #1 person to watch right now.
On the women’s side of things, be prepared to see Sarah try her best to intimidate the other contestants — which we suppose makes sense. If we were Sarah we’d be intimidated. We are, after all, talking here about a physical powerhouse and someone who has shown to have a ton of endurance. She’s made the merge every time she played Survivor, and there was a chance she would have won Winners at War had she defeated Tony at the fire-making competition.
Two episodes in, and we gotta say that this show is doing a pretty incredible job! The narrative is put together pretty tightly, and we were worried about it having a shorter run time than what we see over on MTV.
Related – Check out more news on The Challenge USA, including more on what happened tonight
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