Better Call Saul season 6: Will the final episodes inform Breaking Bad?
From the start, we’ve never had any preconceived notion that Jimmy McGill would have a happy ending in the future as Gene. Meanwhile, we’ve never felt like it was assured that Kim Wexler would end up living through all of this. There is a lot of sadness in this world; yet, there are at times reasons for hope. Jesse Pinkman didn’t die. Meanwhile, the Walter White who was killed was not one we were meant to feel sorry for. He is one who went full Heisenberg and destroyed countless lives along the way.
Watch our most-recent Better Call Saul episode review now! Take a look below for some other insight all about episode 7, which we are still reeling from. Once you do that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for all sorts of other insight.
Judging from some of what we’re hearing right now about the remaining episodes, it doesn’t seem like they are out to depress you to no end. In a new interview with TV Insider, executive producer Peter Gould makes it clear that when it comes to surprises, “some of them [are] delightful, some scary … But the hope is that you’ll see these left turns and also think, ‘There’s no other way that could have gone.’ By the time we’re done, you’re not going to see Breaking Bad the same way.”
Does this mean that there’s more to the story of Walt and Jesse than we know? Probably not, but there are reasons why Saul was the guy he was during that show, and why he came across sometimes as so full of constant anger and pain. He wasn’t the same guy we’ve met in the earlier seasons here and there are reasons for that. So many of them, at least per our own feeling right now, are tied to the death of Howard Hamlin. This is the moment where everything turned the corner and there is no looking back.
What do you think we’re going to see moving into Better Call Saul season 6 episode 8?
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