Survivor 42 episode 12: Omar Zaheer voted out; Maryanne’s big move

Survivor 42

Entering tonight’s Survivor 42 episode 12, we started to get a sense of just how cutthroat the remaining players were. We love a season where multiple people are considered targets, and there were four people considered threats the moment the past Tribal Council ends.

Who were those people? Lindsay was after Jonathan, Jonathan was nervous about Lindsay and Omar, and Mike is still someone on people’s radar. Mike was desperate, though, to get Omar out of the game before he could get him. He recognized that he was one of those people who could beat him at the end of the game, and Omar’s likability was cemented further when he won reward.

Unfortunately for Mike, some of his plans were foiled a little bit by one simple thing: Lindsay getting that immunity necklace around her neck. Because she had to use her idol (a product of the Amulet Advantage) at final six, she could easily play it on Omar and save them both. For him, this meant that he had to start thinking frantically about a plan B.

For Mike and Jonathan, the plan became something safe: Get rid of Romeo. It was something that they could try to figure out depending on what happened with some of the idols. However, Maryanne had a different idea — she wanted out Omar, and was prepared to use her extra vote in order to ensure that it happened. She had a hard time, though, getting Mike or Jonathan on board.

At Tribal Council…

Everyone kept their cards close to the vest, but Maryanne made her signature move! She used her extra vote, put both on Omar, and then had Romeo cast his vote on Omar as well. He’s gone from the game!

Omar is someone who can be fairly proud of this game; the only mistake that he made was not pushing Lindsay enough to play hers on him. That could be a mistake that haunts her, since she could’ve saved him and chose not to.

Related Want some more news on Survivor, including new thoughts on the finale?

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