Big Brother Canada 10: Was Jacey-Lynne Graham evicted? (Day 62)


Was Jacey-Lynne Graham evicted tonight on Big Brother Canada 10We will admit that entering the eviction show tonight, this is absolutely what we expected.

We will say that over the past few days, it did not feel like anything was 100% cemented and there was still a lot of doubt as to what could be coming up next. A lot of that is due to the fact that Kevin and Haleena, who were the only two players voting, dealt with a lot of indecision. They wondered if Josh was getting too close again to Betty, or if Jacey-Lynne would be at some point easier to beat. They played out every single scenario.

Yet, in the end the two decided yesterday that they’d send Jacey out … but even that was not necessarily 100% certain. The two have played amazing games, but this amount of waffling hasn’t been good for either of them. We don’t think it makes either person who stays feel altogether good about them.

By the time we got to the actual eviction, almost the entirety of the show had passed — Jacey left in a 2-0 vote, with Kevin and Haleena keeping Josh. The reality is that either one of them would be targeting Kevin and Haleena moving forward. Or, that’s what we thought. She actually told Arisa that could with them to the final three would be her best chance of winning!

About those goodbye messages…

We can’t get over just how terrible the one was that Haleena left for her. Why in the world would you be so petty to someone on the way out, and claim she was there for love over the game? Regardless of if you believe it or not, you can’t say that under any circumstance.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

Did you think that Jacey-Lynne Graham was going to be evicted on Big Brother Canada 10 tonight?

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