Better Call Saul season 6 episode 3 preview: Jimmy plays the long game
Right now, Jimmy McGill’s top priority seems to be the destruction of Howard Hamlin, but is he really going to be able to do that? Will things go according to plan here?
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Personally, we feel like Jimmy’s plan with the Kettlemans was one that was always doomed to fail from the start. Yet, it was never about the two of them getting a case. Instead, it was about the word starting to spread among the other lawyers that something may be off with Howard. That little thing could be enough to start to sully his reputation and in that sense, be more or less the beginning of the end for him.
We can see things getting to a pretty dark place for even Howard this season — at one point, it even feels like the character may be ready to physically fight someone!
Amidst all of this, though, there’s one other thing that it is important to remember. Saul ends up working closely with Gus and Mike, so there is no escaping this dark, criminal world with him. We also know that Kim doesn’t want this for him, even if she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and cause some problems along the way.
What did you think about the Better Call Saul season 6 premiere overall?
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