Billions season 6 episode 10 spoilers: Wendy reacts to Mike Prince’s play

Billions season 6

Tonight you will see Billions season 6 episode 10 arrive on the Showtime app, and it will be obvious that there are some heated reactions at the center of this story!

Take, for example, the following: How is Wendy going to react to what happened to Chuck? Paul Giamatti’s character has lost his AG role and his position of power and from that vantage point, you can make the easy argument that he lost. Yet, is everything really over for him? A lot of that comes down to whether or not you think anyone’s story is really ever over in this world at all. Even someone like Axe could come back down the road!

What we think is so curious about Wendy’s spot in the world now is that she and Chuck have such a history and yet, this is a move that may have been unexpected to even her. In a sneak peek over at the link here, she carefully moves about the subject in a scene with Mike Prince. It’s fairly obvious that there is more that she would love to say about this and yet, she’s fairly careful still with some of her words. She’s always been that way but here, she wants more answers.

What we get out of this scene is that Wendy may be waiting for her own opportunity to strike at this point, or that she could have a surprising role to play in Chuck’s future. We hardly think that he’s done. He can go off to a retreat or do whatever else he feels like he needs to do in order to recover, but when the dust settles we feel like he’ll come roaring back — and he’ll help to further define everything that we see in season 7 and/or the inevitable endgame of the show as a whole.

Related Check out some more news right now on Billions, including a larger look towards the future

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