Succession season 4: Brian Cox on the Roy family’s future

Succession season 4

If you are like us, then you very-much wish that Succession season 4 was on the air sooner rather than later! However, if you’re like us, then you are also very well-aware that we could be waiting for some time. The writers are currently getting together the story and then after that, filming should kick off this summer. Our realistic expectation is for the new season to premiere in 2023, but of course we’d welcome it earlier.

Of course, it made all of the sense in the world for reporters to ask questions about future stories to all of the cast at the SAG Awards last weekend — even if they didn’t get all that much in the way of answers.

Watch our Succession season 3 finale video now! Below, we get into everything that transpired, and we think it tends to set the stage well for what is coming up next. After you take a look at it, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates ahead that we don’t want you to miss.

Speaking to Extrafor example, Logan Roy himself in Brian Cox made it clear the Jesse Armstrong and the team are very protective of the story, adding that “we’re not allowed to know what it is until we get there.” He then went on to joke about what could happen now that Shiv, Kendall, and Roman all went against their father and failed miserably at it:

“Well, the children should just behave themselves, you know. [If] the children behave themselves, should be no problem… All he’s trying to do is find a successor… he wants to have his children together… These children are so avaricious and ambitious and entitled and downright selfish.”

Our big question is if these three kids can actually stay united. We know that they all have a tendency to be super-selfish. With that in mind, will they bail on their plans the moment that opportunity arises?

Related Check out more news when it comes to Succession right now

What do you most want to see for the Roy family as we move further into Succession season 4?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are other updates coming and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: HBO.)

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