Jersey Shore Family Vacation season 5 episode 7 video: Enter the storm

Jersey Shore

Next week Jersey Shore Family Vacation season 5 episode 7 is going to arrive on MTV, and there is a lot of big stuff that’s coming up next!

Take, for starters, another vacation, and one that looks on paper to be a good time — at least before the storm settles in. When it comes to the weather alone, this definitely looks like one of the most chaotic trips that we’ve seen the entire gang have, and that’s before you get to some of the drama that you have a chance to see unfold.

The trailer below hints at a number of different things, whether it be heated arguments, crazy dances, or just some general shenanigans in the water. There’s an old-school quality to a lot of what we’re seeing here; it does honestly feel a good bit like the Jersey Shore of old! It’s no surprise that we’re going to see some of these people have a good time. What comes after the good time is the question.

Also, does anyone else have Miami flashbacks the moment that one of these characters sees a sheet of paper with a note on it? We tend to do that EVERY single time. The Situation also has a reaction to it! Based on what we’re seeing and hearing, the rest of the season is where we could end up seeing things really heat up and the show morph even more into what everyone wants to see. It’s important to celebrate big life milestones, but also look back here and there to what made this particular show what it was in the first place.

Related Get some more news when it comes to Jersey Shore Family Vacation right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Jersey Shore Family Vacation season 5 episode 7?

Have any particular hopes? Be sure to share right now in the comments! After you do just that, keep coming back — there are other updates on the way and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: MTV.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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