The Blacklist season 9 episode 9 video: Is Dembe targeting Reddington?
The most obvious thing we know at this point is that Hisham Tawfiq’s character betrayed Reddington by giving Liz the letter prior to her death. In some ways, he’s now getting the blame for what happened to her. How does he feel about that? It’s understandable to be upset, but is he wanting to take him down outright?
New the Blacklist video! Take a look below for some thoughts on what could be coming back next! After you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. We’ll be posting a review tomorrow night and we don’t want you missing it.
In the sneak peek below via TV Guide, it seems like Dembe is more than willing to help in a plot to take out James Spader’s character, at least if someone he cares about ends up in jeopardy. You could argue that he is willing to help just because of the situation, but he later confirmed that he was intent on stopping his one-time partner in crime.
In the end, we do still think something more is going on here. Even when you think back to giving Liz the letter, Dembe never wanted to do so something to hurt Reddington. Instead, he felt like she had the right to know and wanted to do the thing that was morally collect. We don’t think that he has ever done all that much that was explicitly malicious towards him. Even when Dembe left his side, that was mostly to ensure that he was following the right path.
What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9 episode 9?
Do you think that Dembe is really out to destroy Reddington for good, or is this all a trick? Be sure to share right now in the comments! After doing that, stay at the site for all sorts of other updates. (Photo: NBC.)