Sam Heughan talks Outlander season 6, Men in Kilts season 2 on GMA

Men in Kilts season 1

This morning Outlander star Sam Heughan made an appearance on Good Morning America, and with that we got a few more details on what lies ahead!

We should start by noting this: The “sneak peek” GMA was hyping for season 6 was actually just Sam talking about the upcoming episodes, plus a part of the preview that debuted on Christmas. We were hoping for something more; yet, it’s always nice to see a new interview with Sam! In this, he discusses the challenges of shooting season 6 during the pandemic, having some longer episodes (we know at least that the premiere is extended), and also how the story is darker and more intense than ever. There’s a lot of great stuff coming and after such a long road to make this season happy, we’re sure that the entire cast and crew is happy to have it out there.

It’s clear to us that diehard fans are always eager to see more in-depth questions on shows like this, or maybe a chance to hear Sam/some other actor talk about something that they haven’t heard before. The important thing to recognize is that shows like GMA are meant to cater to casual viewers, or maybe even people who haven’t seen Outlander at all yet. That’s why most questions you get are a little more surface-level.

If you are eager to also get a couple more hints at Men in Kilts season 2, this interview does also provide that! Sam discusses his excitement about New Zealand, which will be the primary focus of the latest batch of episodes. Graham McTavish calls the country his home already, and there is a lot to explore there when it comes to Scottish influences plus the overall culture and natural beauty of the place.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Outlander right now, including the Christmas sneak preview

What do you most want to see from Sam Heughan on Outlander season 6 and Men in Kilts season 2?

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