The Blacklist season 9 episode 6: Should we expect a big reveal?
Typically, episodes that are put in this place are designed to move the needle in a substantial way. Either they are used for some sort of big reveal or, instead, are designed in order to make us think further about what they’ve seen. A show like this relies heavily on momentum, and finding a way to keep people talking and theorizing about everything behind the scenes.
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So what could we see in terms of a big reveal in this episode? If we get something, our personal hope is that it’s going to pertain somewhat to Reddington’s relationship with Dembe and what happened in their past. Seeing the two not working together has been difficult, given that their bond was foundational to what this show was. We know at some point we’re going to get an episode that explores this conflict and all of the time we missed, so this episode could serve as some sort of foundation to it. (At the very least, maybe we’ll learn more of what’s in that mysterious box Dembe was gifted by Reddington…)
Beyond all of this, is it possible that we could meet a new villain, or at least set the stage for some sort of big arc in the new year? We don’t think that we can rule this sort of thing out, either. A show like this ultimately needs a surprise that leaves all of us asking questions and wondering where things could be going from here. It’s missed that for a lot of the season. If there is a new villain, maybe it’s tying into why Reddington wanted to become the Skinner at this point. He must still be working towards something, right?
What do you think that The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 is poised to set up?
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