Station 19 season 5 episode 6 photo: Thanksgiving without Dean Miller
So what’s going to happen moving forward? Well, everyone will be trying to come together to still celebrate the holiday, and you can get a small preview of Thanksgiving dinner prep at the firehouse in the photo above. Baby Pru will also be present at some point, and we’ll see everyone come together to make sure she is loved and cared for. There’s no denying that this child is going through a LOT at a really young age, but she has a fantastic support system around her.
There are a couple of themes that we expect to see coursing through much of this episode. For at least a good chunk of it, we will see people working through their grief. However, that’s not the only emotion we expect to take root here! You can also see some of these characters trying to be grateful for what they do have. This is something that comes around this time of year, and of course also comes after you lose someone — you try to take stock in the things that are important.
We’re glad that we do have some sort of holiday celebration coming in this episode; it would be hard to move forward otherwise seeing all of these characters in constant pain. Some of that is still going to be there, but it’s coupled with an event that should allow for some perspective and peace. That’s what people like Vic, Ben, Andy, and Maya are going to need at this particular moment in time.
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