Why did Megan Boone leave The Blacklist? Is Liz Keen really dead?

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Why did Megan Boone leave The Blacklist? Maybe you are watching the premiere and wondering that; or, are wondering if Liz is really dead.

In the end, we understand all of these questions and then some. Boone was a foundational part of the show, and we know that the writers and producers technically have brought Liz back from the dead before.

Watch our latest The Blacklist video discussion! There’s a lot to get into here and remember, we’ll be discussing the series throughout the season. SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube, as you won’t want to miss any of our reviews, previews, and other teases.

Well, here is the bad news: Liz is gone. Pending some enormous shock reveal down the road, she was shot to death at the end of season 8. The entire premise of season 9 is set around her death two years ago, and undoing that could render a lot of the stories at hand pointless. Boone also formally exited the series over the summer, releasing the statement on Instagram. Since that time, she has signed a production deal with studio Sony Pictures TV, which suggests that we will see future collaborations between her and the studio down the road.

Could we see a return from Megan in a flashback or a dream sequence? We can’t rule that out, but at the same time there are no plans at present. We could see her potentially back for a milestone episode or a series finale, but there is no evidence that the latter is happening anytime soon. There’s been no discussion that season 9 is the final season.

Boone is not the only person who left The Blacklist after season 8 — show creator Jon Bokenkamp also chose to say goodbye.

Are you still sad that Megan Boone left The Blacklist at the end of season 8?

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