American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9: More Calico!
There’s no denying that Ryan Murphy and the rest of the writing staff have a big challenge with “Death Valley” — this story arc is only four episodes long, and that means they have to be really economic with some of their time. Yet, they want to still add depth to some of the characters we’ve met, including someone like Calico who all in all, has only been seen for a tiny fraction of the overall story.
New American Horror Story video! If you missed us discussing episode 8 of Double Feature recently, be sure to check that out below. Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; there are other updates that will be coming there all season long.
Speaking in a new interview with GameSpot, Leslie Grossman made it clear that there is more that we’re going to learn about her character, who she separates rather quickly from
“Calico has led a really sort of interesting existence … I will say that she’s in my opinion sort of the diametric opposite of an Ursula. I have a lot of compassion and love for Calico and you’ll see why.”
We’re glad that Grossman is going to have a chance to do something really different and honestly, we need that. Ursula was, in our mind, the most evil character in “Red Tide.” Even if she didn’t take the black pill herself, she was fully aware of what it did and had no issue spreading that around to others.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Horror Story: Double Feature right now
What do you most want to see from Calico entering American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9?
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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.